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Pop-Comic Shader
Official Walkthrough and Documentation
Table of Contents:
Part 1: The Comic Dots Shader
Part 2: The Hatching Shader
Part 3: The Six-Tone Cel Shader
Part 4: The Print Comic Shader
Part 5: Rim Light
(to help support more projects and tutorials)
Part 6: Painted Colors Shader
Part 7: Toon Reflection Shader
Part 8: Tips and Tricks
Part 1: The Comic Dots Shader
Step 1: Set the Scene
If you want to follow along and see exactly the same results as I'm getting, set your seen up like this:
Delete the Default Cube and add a UV Sphere

Right Click and Shade the Sphere Smooth

Click 7 on your number pad to go to top view

Click Your Light and Switch it to a sun in the menu n the right

Set the Strength to 3.5

Then rotate your sun to about this point

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